We all have important concerns that are close to our hearts. We offer them to Our Lord during Mass and often ask the Priest to say Mass for that intention. Traditionally we make a donation to the Priest – a ‘Mass offering’ – which helps towards his upkeep and the upkeep of the parish.

A Mass Offering via Missio is a way of helping to support the new Church – and there is no better way than through celebrating the Mass.

The offerings help maintain local Priests in mission dioceses in the poorest areas, and those teaching in Seminaries. They are particularly important in areas where war, famine and natural disasters mean that Priests have no stable income.

We guarantee the safe distribution of the Masses offerings by using the ‘Missio family’ around the world.

Please do send us your intentions using the donation form. These may be for someone who has died or who is sick, a private intention or for the intentions of the living.